
An Exercise for Contact

The goal of this exercise is to achieve a soft, following rein connection to the horse's mouth.

Allow your horse to walk freely on a long rein. Ideally, have someone lunge you so you can fully concentrate on the exercise.

Start by making large, slow, backward circles with both arms. Try to synchronize the movement with your breathing. As you inhale through your nose into your chest, move your arms upwards, and as you exhale through your mouth, move your arms downwards. After a few circles, shake your arms loosely and let them hang relaxed. Try to feel the movement that your pelvis swings in your shoulders. Do your arms swing lightly with the movement? Very good!

Now bend your forearms at the elbow joint and point your index fingers towards the horse's mouth. It is important that the position of your upper arm does not change and that the gentle swinging in your shoulder does not stop. Now gently close your hands into fists. Imagine holding a small bird in each hand. This bird should not feel suffocated, but you also don’t want to let it fly away.

Are your shoulders still swinging? Whenever you notice that your shoulders are getting tense, go back through the steps of this exercise until you feel the swing again.

Now take up the reins at the end. Gradually shorten the reins. After each shortening, check if you can feel contact with the horse's mouth and, more importantly, if your shoulder is still swinging.

You will reach a point where the contact with the horse's mouth is established. Can you feel the nodding movement of the horse? Allow this movement. Let the horse move your arms and shoulders. Trust the horse. Rest your hands gently on the reins.

This is what I understand by the term "contact" (and not several kilos in the hand!).


Here are some helpful images: Imagine the rein is a rubber band that rhythmically moves your forearm forward. Also, imagine that there are rubber bands attached to your elbows that pull your forearms back to the starting position parallel to your upper body. Your forearm moves smoothly, as if on an oiled track, between these two bands. Important: Do not make this movement actively! Allow yourself to be moved.

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