Farm Map & Facility Information

The new Pony Gang Farm location is a little shy of 30 acres and located in a beautiful country setting. The property is set back from the main road and with this a perfect place for our campers to disconnect from their normal life and enjoy the farm and the horses. content is not displayed due to your current cookie settings. Click on the cookie policy (functional and marketing) to agree to the cookie policy and view the content. You can find out more about this in the privacy policy.

Horse Pastures & Farm Grounds

Our horses and ponies life in small herds together in pastures and have 24 hour access to hay.  They have run ins for shade in the summer and rain cover during the wet season.

Facility of Horseback Riding lessons Columbia at Pony Gang Equestrian Services
More impressions of Horse Riding lessons Columbia  facility from Pony Gang Equestrian Services

Summer Camp South Carolina facility from Pony Gang Equestrian Services
Equestrian Camp from Pony Gang Equestrian Services


Our U-shaped barn with court yard

You will find our feed room, grooming utilility room, western tack room and english tack room plus 13 horse stalls in this barn. 



Horse Barn at Horse Camp South Carolina / Pony Gang Equestrian Services

Our straight barn

You will find 6 horse stalls one site plus our private tack room. On the other side of the barn are 6 additional stalls that are all open to our 3 dry lot pastures which are the home of our 5  donkeys and 11 of our horses/ponies on the other site 

Barn from Equestrian Camp at Pony Gang Equestrian Services

Our 3 Riding Arenas

Flat Work Arena's

We have a standard 20x40 meter riding arena with mirrors 

Larger Flat Arena 

72 x 144 ft

2 mirror's - One on the long side and one in the corner of the short side. 

Pictures coming soon, after we have fixed the footing and added the new fencing to it. 

Smaller Flat Arena 

64x 104 ft 

We are planning to add 2 mirror's on this arena too


Pictures coming soon, just finishing the new rail set up on this arena

Jumping arena

Our Jumping arena is 104x164 feet

Riding arena from Horseback Riding lesson Columbia Barn of Pony Gang Equestrian Services

Tack  & Grooming Rooms

English Tack Room

All off our horses and ponies have fitting tack. Each one has at least 3 pads to ensure during the summer time that they always have clean pads to switch out too till the dirty and sweaty ones are washed. All clean pads are hanging on the bars, pads in use are with the saddle. Our horses also wear gel half pads under their saddles to support their back better. 

Tack Room English at Horse lessons Columbia barn of Pony Gang Equestrian Services

Western Tack Room

All off our ponies and horses that go Western have fitting tack to ensure that their backs are staying healthy. 

Western Tack room from Western lessons columbia  horse barn at Pony Gang Equestrian Services

Grooming Room

Each of our horse has their own grooming tot and grooming tools. The grooming room also held our helmets, first aid supply, bathing supply and other needed items around the horse like clippers and braiding supply. 

Grooming room at Pony Gang Equestrian Services

Halter area

Our horses and ponies have each their own halter and lead rope. 

Halter racks at Pony Gang Equestrian Services
More halter racks at Pony Gang Equestrian Servies

Overnight Cabin

For the first time Pony Gang Horse Crazy Camp has taken place during the summer of 2022 at our new and larger location in Hopkins SC. 


Our Campers cabin is a cozy wood cabin with 768sqft build in 1910, extended in the 70th. Last update on the cabins inside has happened in 2022 and 2024 we have completely renovated our screened-in porch and the a new roof was installed.  The Cabin will get a new paint job in Spring 2025. 


The well taken care wood floor and wood walls in the cabin are still original from 1910 and we are proud that we have been able to safe them in at least 2 of the rooms for the flooring and almost all rooms for the walls. This all gives the cabin this through back in the Wild West feel. 


The Cabin is air conditioned to ensure a good night sleep for our campers during their stay here at Pony Gang Horse Crazy Camp in Hopkins SC . 


Through the front door you will be entering the first and largest of the 3 bedrooms which sleeps 6 campers. Walking down the long beautiful hallway you come to two smaller bedrooms one is reserved for campers and sleeps 6 and the third one is where our counselors sleep.


The campers two full bathrooms are located on the left side of the hallway. 


The Cabin is wired with fire alarms. 

Camper paradise at the Horseback Riding Camp in South Carolina from Pony Gang Equestrian Services

Dining Hall

(pictures coming soon. We are finishing  the renovations of this spaces right now)